Along my journey to heal from Child Sexual Abuse,
I have come across several healing modalities that have helped me tremendously.
Hopefully they can help you or your loved one as well.
The Robson Child Abuse Healing and Prevention Fund is a Donor Advised Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation
dedicated to supporting the healing and prevention of child abuse, nationwide.
The Fund will focus on grants to nonprofit organizations that support healing and prevention efforts, and aims to identify
and fill in gaps in areas of child abuse healing and prevention that are under-researched, under-developed or inactive.
Wade and Amanda Robson established the charitable fund with a personal $10,000 donation.
All donations received go to the Hawaii Community Foundation for the purpose of the fund as previously stated.
Distributions from Donor Advised Funds are required by law to be distributed to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations.
Recommendations for grants from the fund are made by the fund advisor and vetted by Hawaii Community Foundation.
No distribution can benefit the founder of the fund or any other individual contributor.