


  1. the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

When we were infants, toddlers, children, maybe even teenagers, we LIVED in our BODIES. We said or did something, because it FELT right. If we didn’t say or do something, it was because it didn’t FEEL right. Then, slowly but surely, most of us were educated out of our bodies and into our MINDS. We were taught that our mind is the ultimate captain of the ship, the navigator. That intellect and logic are king. That intuition, that feeling in the heart and gut, is akin to superstition, and namely, is NOT to be trusted. We were taught that what we can trust are the opinions of elders and experts, data, evidence, facts, reason, a good old pros and cons list and what has happened to us in the past. 

Now there can of course be merit found, at times, in some of the aforementioned resources. But what a lot of it tends to lead to, for one’s own experience, is a torturous amount of time and energy waisted in speculation. Speculation leads to confusion. Confusion leads to stagnation. Stagnation calls forth destruction. Why? The universe operates on pure motion and change: a.k.a. evolution. So when stagnation occurs, corrective action is automatically taken. This is not a punishment of any kind, it is simply cause and effect. 

You have most likely had the following experiences:

A - A particular choice makes all the logical sense in the world, but it just doesn’t FEEL right. You discredit the feeling and take action on the logical choice. It doesn’t turn out well.

B - A particular choice doesn’t make logical sense, but something about it just FEELS right. You decide to take action based on the feeling. It turns out well. 

C - A particular choice doesn’t make logical sense, but something about it just FEELS right. You confer with your intellect and speculate about it for days, weeks, months, or even years. Finally, you decide to take action on the original feeling. It doesn’t turn out well. You deduce that you cannot trust your intuition. 

Why did version C turn out this way?

Our intuition, our desires, have a window of relevance. The feeling contains a directive, which is “NOW.” In the case of version C, you stagnated in speculation, and by the time you decided to take action, the universe had changed and the window of relevance for that particular action, for you, had closed. 

So what do we do? 

Meditate, daily. Meditation is a daily practice that affords us the opportunity to move beyond the intellect and strengthen our connection to our intuition, which is our direct line to source. 

Tune in with what does and does not FEEL right. 

Surrender speculation. Do not wait. Take any action you can, now. 

Leap into the unknown. 

The direct result is complete support from the universe. 

And if you do not like where you land, leap again.