No matter what has happened to you, YOU are not broken. YOU cannot be broken. 

How is that possible? Let’s start with asking who YOU are?

Are you your body, thoughts, emotions and circumstances, when all of which have done nothing but change since the day you were born? Your body, thoughts, emotions, and circumstances cannot even begin to tell the complete story of who you are. 

Who are you then? Well, who is the you that has been aware of your body, thoughts, emotions and circumstances all along? If you can be aware of having a thought, who is the you that is aware of having a thought? That begins to get us much closer to comprehending the complete story of who you are. 

In order for there to be form, there must first be space. In order for there to be sound, there must first be silence. In that same way, in order for there to be physical matter, there must first be consciousness. Like energy, consciousness can neither be created nor destroyed; consciousness can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. Consciousness is the infinite, inexhaustible source of everything, including you. 

This brings me back to my opening statement: No matter what has happened to you, YOU are not broken. YOU cannot be broken. You, as a human, CAN be covered in muck or shrouded by clouds, so to speak, but who you truly are, still remains untarnished underneath. The work to be done is not to repair you, but to remove the muck and clouds that are covering you up, in order for the glory of who you are to shine though again. 

How do you remove the muck and clouds? Are you meditating daily? Are you going to therapy? Are you journaling? Are you reading inspirational personal growth material? Are you eating healthy? Are you exercising? Are you spending time in nature? Are you exploring forgiveness? Are you practicing love? 

If you are able and your answer is no to any of the above questions, you may not be doing the work required to remove the muck and clouds. And if you’re not doing the work, your experience may seem to be one of being broken. That is not an experience of your truth and you deserve to experience your truth.

All of my love, Wade. 
