To all survivors of child abuse:

I am deeply sorry for the abuse and/or neglect that you suffered as a child and for all that you have been through since, internally and externally. I honor and resonate with the confusion, heartbreak, isolation, sadness, anger, numbness, dissociation, depression, anxiety, fear, suicidal thoughts and actions, emptiness, insomnia, drug or alcohol abuse, and compulsion you may have in the past or may be currently enduring. 


I am hopeful for your continued healing; for the possibility of a deeper capacity for compassion, empathy and love after the monumental rebuilding of one's own heart. As Rumi said, "The wound is the place where the light enters you.” If not already, I wish for you a greater experience of belonging, once having gained the courage to speak your truth and being embraced by the incredible community of survivors, worldwide. You are NOT alone. Together, we stand. 

To the Parents, Family, Partners and Friends of Survivors:

I am sorry for the confusion, fear, sadness, heartbreak, depression, anger, helplessness, guilt, and isolation you may have felt or may currently feel in relation to your loved one's experience of child abuse and correlated symptoms. Simultaneously, I am excited for the possible expansion of consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, compassion, adaptability, and love that you may have already experienced or that may be on the horizon for you in response to your loved one's trauma. Although unfortunate, I understand if you were or are not able to understand and hold your loved one’s pain. Alternatively, I am infinitely grateful for the unconditional love and support you may be able to provide to your loved one. Believe me, it makes all the difference in the world. 

To everyone:

Child abuse is one of the darkest aspects of humanity, which is why, generally speaking, we’d rather not face it, we’d rather not talk about it, we’d rather deny it. But this is the only way child abuse is able to be perpetrated and perpetuated; in DARKNESS and in SILENCE. As hard as it may be, we must face it, we must talk about it; to the darkness and silence, we must bring LIGHT and SOUND. We must stand together, listen to survivors, help in the healing, and above all else, protect our children. Because if not us, who? If not now, when? 

We are the answer we've been looking for. 

Now is the time we’ve been waiting for. 

Love, Wade Robson


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