If you choose to say or do something vulnerable and honest, propelled by something you believe in deeply and/or know to be true…
There will be people who love you for it and people who loath you for it.
If you choose to communicate a truth that will expose certain people’s wrong doing or that certain people may not want to believe or can’t accept about themselves…
There will be people who love you for it and people who loath you for it.
If your expression actually puts no one at risk and doesn’t challenge anyone’s integrity but is purely an honest and loving articulation of your own heart…
There will be people who love you for it and people who loath you for it.
Shall we let other people's loving or loathing raise or silence our voice?
Shall we design or edit our honest and responsible expression based upon whether we believe people will love us or loath us for it?
Shall we measure the validity of our honest expression based upon whether people love us or loath us for it?
Shall we tune into our heart and express our truth unabashedly?
Shall we speak truth to power?
Shall we find our validation based solely upon how our expression feels in our own heart?
Shall we try to be mindful as to designing our expression in a way that could possibly move the needle towards the greater good of all?
Shall we continue expressing from a deep place of truth after people demonstrate how much they love or loath us for it?
Only you can answer.
Love, Wade.
Wade Robson, based on his personal experience of external wins and internal losses, explores our personal definitions of WINNING and their implications.